
Reusing old towels for cleaning house [Housekeeping]

Yesterday I have bought new towels for family. I use old towels for house cleaning. I keep them in a bag, cut to smaller pieces. My son always mess up while eating. Those clothes are good for wiping around. I don' t like buying paper wiping sheets...Just think about the trees!

Baking 090830 [Baking]

Baking today...

Two Pullman Breads, one with egg and granulated sugar, one without egg and black sugar.
Rolls with swee bean paste (An-Pan) . Pain de Campagne with plune and walnuts.

I always bake with house-made wild yeast. I've been keeping 3 kinds of yeasts, made from wheat, raison, and rye.
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Rainy beach [Drive]

Today it was rainy/clowdy weather in Yokohama, because typhoon is approaching. We started driving to nearby beach early, but when we arrived, cold wind was blowing there. Cold! in August, what a surprise. Although water was warm and we found lots of crabs under the rocks at the shore, we gave up in an hour shivering and soaked.

Hi! I'm Mari [Introduction]

To start with, let me introduce myself.
I am Mari, a homemaker with full-time job. I have a 2 year old son and a husband.

I like the word Lohas... I've been trying to practice, and isn't it amusing?

This blog is a diary. Maybe someone in the world find it fun to know about life in Yokohama:)
